Slim Build of OpenCvSharp
OpenCvSharpSlimThis project provides the slim build of OpenCvSharp native library .
Currently there're binary packages for OpenCvSharp 2.4.10, 3.4.20 ,4.8.0 and 4.8.1.
The unit tests (339) for the most commonly used functions have all passed.
Webp, Tiff reading and saving are not included.
Drawing Chinese/Japanese is supported . High performance,It's less 1 millisecond.
Add Nuget package.
Drawing DemoFor details, you can refer to example. If you like this project, you can give it a star.
Mat src = new(600, 800, MatType.CV_8UC3, Scalar.Wheat); var pos = new Point(60, 80); Slim.PutTextUnicode(src,"☆★中華人民共和國★☆γε", pos, Scalar.Red, 36); Slim.PutTextUnicode(src,"●中華の台頭のために本を読む●",pos + new Point(0,80), Scalar.Black, 26); Slim.PutTextUnicode(src,"OpenCvSharpSlim", pos + new Point(0, 160), Scalar.Purple, 26, underline:true); Slim.PutTextUnicode(src,"Runtime For Windows", pos + new Point(0, 240), Scalar.Blue, 26, italic: true);