Billy Mac:"The Lakers have shot 233 more free throws coming into this game than their opponents this year. Far and away ahead of the 2nd place team, the New York Knicks... Oddly, the Lakers are dead last in drives to the basket."
Anthony Edwards postgame:"I'm going to take the fine, because the refs gave us no calls tonight. We had to play through every bump and every grab. I don't know how we won tonight. Big shout out to my team and coaches."Highlight
今日湖人对阵火箭的比赛解说员Billy Mac评论了湖人队的罚球:“在本场比赛前,湖人本赛季的罚球次数比对手多出233次,远远超过第二名的纽约尼克斯……奇怪的是,湖人突破篮下的次数联盟垫底。”
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[–]CavaliersBzmode 1816 points an hour ago
Someone cooked here.
[–]NetsFrequent @NetsFrequent
NBA working hard for Knicks & Lakers. What a shocker.
[–]KnicksPanthalassaRo 574 points an hour ago
I mean at least the Knicks play physical every play
[–]ClippersBeleiverofhumanity 876 points an hour ago
Saw this a couple weeks back, credit u/floatermuse
Highest free throw differential in the NBA this season:
Highest free throw differential in the NBA last season:
Highest free throw differential in the NBA last playoffs:
[–]Nuggetsdebaserr 477 points an hour ago
I wonder why the Lakers Nugs series was so close.
[–]STA_Alexfree 166 points an hour ago*
What’s most damning is that THEY DO NOT HAVE THE MOST FTA IN THE LEAGUE. They just simply get way more foul calls than their opponents on any given night. When teams are not playing the lakers they are shooting much more free throws. Lakers get a ton of weak ass fouls in their favor, teams get over the foul limit often and Lakers spend the last few mins of each quarter just shooting FTs
[–]Celticsvictorspoilz 43 points an hour ago
Refs missed a call for Lebron two Cheistmases ago and are still bending over backwards to make it up to him.
[–]cough_landing_on_you 1015 points 2 hours ago
Cheating ass refs.
[–]__I_AM_HUMAN__ 141 points an hour ago
[–]RaptorsmMounirM 577 points 3 hours ago
we need this even when teams end up winning. refs suck ass
[–]KazaamFan 15 points 2 hours ago
The disparity in FT attempts was “only” 22-15. If Ant was a warrior in the laker game the other day, he’d go berserk.
[–]fanofloons 808 points 3 hours ago
Biggest problem with the nba is how certain players are reffed differently than others
[–]CelticsPrincessk8-- 192 points 3 hours ago
It definitely feels like, WAY TOO OFTEN, that referees call everything on one team while allowing the other team to get away with murder. That shit has to stop.
[–]Recent-Curve7616 573 points 2 hours ago
As a raptors fan I can attest to this bullshit
[–]Thunderhomefree122 341 points 3 hours ago
It’s weird being a team that has been at the center of beneficial shitty ref calls recently. I’m not used to it. Also don’t really like it.
[–]BullsSendDaVideo 728 points 2 hours ago
but Lakers fans said they just drive more than everyone else!
[–]Sunsp0tatoman 419 points an hour ago
their usual response is"just stop fouling"
[–]Fresh_Ostrich4034 114 points an hour ago
i thought it was they fouled. we didn’t
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[–]Acceptable_Age9416 386 points an hour ago
And they still suck
[-]Thunder #0@RussLobCity
Imagine them without the help of the league. They might end up beneath the spurs and blazers
[–]wardellst3phencurry 59 points an hour ago
This is the worst part. It's not that the NBA has made them relevant. No one is talking about them as a contender with their current roster. So why bother?
[–]WarriorsStrikingElk5288 21 points 144 minutes ago
You need Lebron in the playoffs
[–]SpursGGezpzMuppy 91 points an hour ago
NBA: the ideal matchup for the finals would be Lakers vs Lakers!
[–]gigglios 306 points 2 hours ago
Nba has rigged titles and playoff series for the lakers apanning back decades and decades. Its funny now though with that ref help they still suck. Dlo and reaves get the best whistles at times lmao
[–]LakersSalmonellapancakes 108 points an hour ago
Reaves is averaging 3 FTs a game lol. Dlo and reaves average 6 fts per game.. Together
湖人球迷:里夫斯平均每场就三次罚球,拉塞尔和里夫斯,加在一起,每场也就6次罚球, 笑死个毛。
[–]WizardsMawly-G 265 points an hour ago
This doesn’t make any sense. How are they quantifying “drives?” The Lakers get damn near ALL of their points in the paint.
[–]76ersmxnoob983 369 points 2 hours ago
“Drives” as tracked by NBA.com does not have any correlation with free throws. The lakers are not an outlier here, the problem is what is classified as a drive
[–]Lakerspurplebuffalo55 139 points 2 hours ago
What’s classified as a drive? We’re top 3 in points in the paint and bottom 3 in 3 pointers so something isn’t matching
[–]Sammy Says@letsgosammy1
That’s just drives. Look at shots in the key. Lakers are high on the list. More ways to get into the key than just drives. Post ups, cuts, offensive rebounds, etc
[–]SupersonicsImAShaaaark 155 points 2 hours ago
They are #2 in points in the paint and shoot the least 3s in the league. OP just posting intentionally misleading bait to fuel the circle jerk.
[–]CavaliersFrickincarl 75 points an hour ago
That doesn’t fit the anti-lakers agenda today.